How to Set Up the Development and Programming Environment for Raytac’s AN7002Q-nRF5340 Demo Board (AN7002Q-DB-5340)?

To help you quickly get started with Raytac’s AN7002 Wi-Fi module and nRF5340 module, here’s a simple guide on how to set up the development and programming environment using AN7002Q-nRF5340 Demo Board(AN7002Q-DB-5340)and nRF5340 DK.

This article will cover the 4 sections below:
1. Hardware setup
2. Software Development Kit and Environment setup
3. Programming/Development
4. Flashing/Uploading firmware

1. Hardware Setup
1 x Nordic nRF5340-DK: PCA10095(2.0.0)
1 x Raytac AN7002Q-DB-5340
1 x IDC Cable
1 x USB-Micro USB Cable
1 x USB-Type C USB Cable

*Note: You need to use both the “Nordic nRF5340-DK” and “Raytac AN7002Q-DB-5340 demo board” together for programming and development. *

Steps to connect the hardware:

  • Connect J-Link on Nordic DK to AN7002Q-DB-5340 using IDC Cable
  • Power Nordic nRF5340-DK up using Micro USB Cable
  • Power Raytac AN7002Q-DB-5340 up using Type C USB Cable

AN7002Q-DB-5340 Schematic Diagram:

2. Software Development Kit and Environment Setup

Download nRF Connect For Desktop: Download nRF Connect For Desktop (Please Click Me)

Download nRF Command Line Tools: Download nRF Command Line Tools (Please Click Me)

(1) Download and install the latest version of nRF Connect for Desktop (Windows 64-bit – 5.0.0 version)

(2) Download and install the latest version of nRF Command Line Tools (Windows X86 64 – 10.24.2 version)

*Note: During set-up, the SEGGER J-LINK installation/update request might pop up on your screen. *
*(As shown in below screenshot). *

If you’re initiating Segger J-Link Driver, please check the guideline here(Click me)

After the installations are completed, you can see the following applications under the:

“Programs and Features” section in the Control Panel.

3. Programming/Development

nRF Connect SDK (NCS) supports development using the free VS (Visual Studio) Code IDE.
Here’s how to select and install the NCS SDK version (nRF Connect SDK vx.x.x):


Open “nRF Connect for Desktop” → Choose “Toolchain Manager” → then click” Open”


You’ll see a list of nRF Connect SDK versions. It’s recommended to install NCS v2.6.0 or later.
Here, we use NCS v2.6.0 as an example.


Before installing NCS v2.6.0, confirm the installation path (Default path → C:\ncs).

If you want to change the path, click “Select directory”, and press OK.


After installing the nRFConnect SDK v2.6.0, click “Open VS Code”.


Open the Wi-Fi scan example


Add build configuration → select the board and compile.

Select board: nrf7002dk_nrf5340_cpuapp.


After compilation, a hex file will be generated.


Under ACTIONS, you can choose to Build, Debug, or Flash.




4. Programming

nRF Connect SDK(NCS) supports programming. You can use the “Programmer” tool to flash .hex file.
Here’s how:


Open “nRF Connect for Desktop” → Select “Programmer” → then click” Open”.

Click “Select Device”;

Since AN7002 Wi-Fi IC does not act as an MCU,
we can only flash the .hex file into the MDBT53(nRF5340) BLE IC.

Click “Add file” to add the .hex file.


Select the .hex file you want to flash.

The hex file will be written into the part of the memory layout (where orange part is highlighted).

Slashes will be displayed in the circled part during the flash process.


Once the flash process is completed, connect Raytac’s AN7002Q-DB-5340 development board to PuTTY.

Tx to p0.20

Rx to p0.22


This is a closer look into the pins that will be connected.

The flash process is completed when the LOG is displayed as circled below.

Check if hardware connection is successful using PuTTY.

Useful references:

Edited by Sales Manager: Ms. Vicky Huang
Technical guidance provided by R&D Manager: Mr. MW Lee
Hardware environment provided by Hardware Engineer: Mr. Kyle Wang

Raytac Corporation 勁達國際電子股份有限公司 
Bluetooth & WiFi module maker based on Nordic nRF54, nRF53, nRF52, nRF7002 solution
BT5.4 &BT5.3 & BT5.2 & BT5.1 Qualified, FCC/IC/CE/Telec/KC/RCM/SRRC/NCC Pre-Certified.
Bluetooth Solution: nRF54, nRF5340, nRF52840, nRF52833, nRF52832, nRF52820, nRF52811, nRF52810, nRF52805, nRF51822
WiFi Solution: nRF7002
Tel: +886-2-3234-0208

Secure DFU OTA for nRF52840 solution modules: Guide to create hex/zip file for implementation – #3(Combining/merging built files)

Following up – Part A: Bootloader (Click for article link) and Part B: Application (Click for article link)

We will be focusing on:

in this article.

IC: nRF52840
DK: PCA10056 (for nRF52840)
SDK: 17.1.0
Softdevice: s140_nrf52_7.2.0_softdevice.hex
IDE: Keil C
PC: Win 10

Step 1. Execute the combine batch file in bootloader (nrf52840_bootloader_setting_merge.bat) and generate file of nrf52840_bootloader_secure_combin_settings.hex :

@echo off
title = [ J-Link Tool ] %CD%
set nrfDir=C:\Program Files (x86)\Nordic Semiconductor\nrf5x\bin
set BS= nrf52840_bootloader_secure_settings.hex
set BL= nrf52840_xxaa_s140.hex
set BSBLCombind= nrf52840_bootloader_secure_combin_settings.hex
set path=%nrfDir%;%path%
echo ———–merge image file——————-
mergehex.exe -m %BS% %BL% -o %BSBLCombind%

Step 2. Create a Final.hex file by 3-in-1 batch file(nrf52840_3in1_merge.bat)
※Note : This hex file is created for the production line to pre-load firmware into modules prior to shipment.

@echo off
title = [ J-Link Tool ] %CD%
set nrfDir=C:\Users\user\Desktop\Nordic BLE\nRF5_merge tools\nRF52 bin
set SD= s140_nrf52_7.2.0_softdevice.hex
set BLT= nrf52840_bootloader_secure_combin_settings.hex
set APP= nrf52840_xxaa.hex
set SD_BLT=SD_BLT.hex
set Finalfile=Final.hex
set path=%nrfDir%;%path%
echo ———–merge image file——————-
mergehex.exe -m %SD% %BLT% -o %SD_BLT%
mergehex.exe -m %SD_BLT% %APP% -o %Finalfile%

Step 3. Create a DFU(OTA).zip file of
※Note : This zip file is created for end device DFU(OTA) implementation.

nrfutil pkg generate –hw-version 52 –sd-req 0x100 –application-version 0xFF –application
nrf52840_xxaa.hex –key-file private.pem

The DFU OTA zip file will be derived.

※Note :
The “0x100” appeared in the above DOS code(in red font) is the FWID(Firmware ID) for s140_nrf52_7.2.0_softdevice.hex;
FWID can be found from the soft device documents on the Nordic website.

Step 4: Run DFU OTA (On mobile in this example)

4A. Install the nRF Connect APP on mobile, with DFU OTA file: (Download link)

4B. Send via email to mobile device after combination is done on PC, then download it.

4C. Open nRF Connect APP and run connection;

4D. Execute DFU and select “Distribution packet(ZIP)”, thus starting the DFU OTA process.

4E. Start DFU OTA → exit the APP after DFU OTA is completed → restart the mobile device.

Secure DFU OTA for nRF52840 solution modules: Guide to create hex/zip file for implementation
Detailed links of articles:
Part A: Bootloader (Click for article link)
Part B: Application
(Click for article link)
Part C: Combining and merging built files
(Click for article link)

Technical guidelines provided by R&D Manager: Mr. MW Lee
Edited by Sales Manager: Mr. Tony Yin

Raytac Corporation 勁達國際電子股份有限公司 
Bluetooth & WiFi module maker based on Nordic nRF54, nRF53, nRF52, nRF7002 solution
BT5.4 &BT5.3 & BT5.2 & BT5.1 Qualified, FCC/IC/CE/Telec/KC/RCM/SRRC/NCC Pre-Certified.
Bluetooth Solution: nRF54, nRF5340, nRF52840, nRF52833, nRF52832, nRF52820, nRF52811, nRF52810, nRF52805, nRF51822
WiFi Solution: nRF7002
Tel: +886-2-3234-0208

Secure DFU OTA for nRF52840 solution modules: Guide to create hex/zip file for implementation – #2(Application)

Following up-Part A: Bootloader (Click for article link)

We will be focusing on:

in this article.

IC: nRF52840
DK: PCA10056 (for nRF52840)
SDK: 17.1.0
Softdevice: s140_nrf52_7.2.0_softdevice.hex
IDE: Keil C
PC: Win 10

Path: nRF5_SDK_17.1.0_ddde560\examples\ble_peripheral\ble_app_uart\pca10056\s140\arm5_no_packs

Before building Application code , some amendments need to be made regarding DFU-related settings and code inside Application:

Step 1.

1A. Add code in definition in C/C++ :
(Total 3 steps definitions need to be set up)

1B. Add “include path” in C/C++

1C. Add the .c files inside red frame in (Screenshots 1 & 2)
and the 2 groups of (nRF_DFU & nRF_SVC)(Screenshot 3) under Project(Screenshot 4)

1D. Add code into main.c file in Application (..\examples\ble_peripheral\ble_app_uart\main.c)
(Please refer to: main.c file at: ..\examples\ble_peripheral\ ble_app_buttonless_dfu)

1E. The code of file: sdk_config.h (..\examples\ble_peripheral\ble_app_uart\pca10056\s140\config\
sdk_config.h) inside Application needs to be modified.

1F. Adjust the IRAM1 value in Target after implementing DFU service:
Check on the IRAM1 Value of *p_app_ram_start to be modified from default: 0x20002AE8 0x3D518 to 0x20002AF8 0x3D508, as shown in the red frame in the bottom right corner.
In this case, the program should run successfully.

1G: Create a file of: nrf52840_xxaa.hex after building application code files.

Step 2. Create a bootloader setting file of nrf52840_bootloader_secure_settings.hex : (via DOS)

nrfutil settings generate –family NRF52840 –application nrf52840_xxaa.hex –application-version 3 — bootloader-version 2 –bl-settings-version 1 nrf52840_bootloader_secure_settings.hex –no-backup

※Stay tuned for #3 – Part C: Combining and merging built files in the next article,

scheduled release in next week(05/06/2024).

Technical guidelines provided by R&D Manager: Mr. MW Lee
Edited by Sales Manager: Mr. Tony Yin

Raytac Corporation 勁達國際電子股份有限公司 
Bluetooth & WiFi module maker based on Nordic nRF54, nRF53, nRF52, nRF7002 solution
BT5.4 &BT5.3 & BT5.2 & BT5.1 Qualified, FCC/IC/CE/Telec/KC/RCM/SRRC/NCC Pre-Certified.
Bluetooth Solution: nRF54, nRF5340, nRF52840, nRF52833, nRF52832, nRF52820, nRF52811, nRF52810, nRF52805, nRF51822
WiFi Solution: nRF7002
Tel: +886-2-3234-0208

Secure DFU OTA for nRF52840 solution modules: Guide to create hex/zip file for implementation – #1(Bootloader)

Below are the following steps to implement Secure DFU OTA by using nRF52840 chip set, SDK17.1.0.
It consists of 3 parts:

Part A: Bootloader

Part B: Application (Click for article link)

Part C: Combining and merging built files (Click for article link)

In this article, we will be focusing on Part A: Bootloader.

Path: nRF5_SDK_17.1.0_ddde560\examples\dfu\secure_bootloader\pca10056_s140_ble\arm5_no_packs

Step 1. An error may occur while building bootloader without a public key:
(Shown in red frames in below screenshot)

Step 2. How to generate the public key file in Bootloader?
A. Visit DOS at path: ..\Python27\Scripts
B. Then execute:

nrfutil keys generate private.pem
nrfutil keys display --key pk --format code private.pem --out_file public_key.c

Step 3. Copy the pk[64] code from (public_key.c) into (dfu_public_key.c)
(Shown in red frames in below screenshot)

※Note: Make sure to save the 3 generated files:

Step 4. Generate the bootloader file: nrf52840_xxaa_s140.hex after re-compiling the code files.

※Stay tuned for #2 – Part B: Application in the next article, scheduled release in next week(29/05/2024).

Technical guidelines provided by R&D Manager: Mr. MW Lee
Edited by Sales Manager: Mr. Tony Yin

Raytac Corporation 勁達國際電子股份有限公司  A company of Abietec
Bluetooth & WiFi module maker based on Nordic nRF54, nRF53, nRF52, nRF7002 solution
BT5.4 &BT5.3 & BT5.2 & BT5.1 Qualified, FCC/IC/CE/Telec/KC/RCM/SRRC/NCC Pre-Certified.
Bluetooth Solution: nRF54, nRF5340, nRF52840, nRF52833, nRF52832, nRF52820, nRF52811, nRF52810, nRF52805, nRF51822
WiFi Solution: nRF7002
Tel: +886-2-3234-0208

Raytac announces release of AN54H20 Series Module based on Nordic’s nRF54H20 chip solution

Raytac Corporation, a Nordic-recommended third-party module manufacturer based in Taiwan, today announces the upcoming release of the AN54H20 modules, which are built on the base of Nordic’s nRF54H20 SoC.

The AN54H20 module comes in a 9.8 x 13.8 x 1.8mm (0.37 by 0.53 by 0.07 inches) dimension factor and offers 3 versions of high-performance antennas, including ceramic chip antenna, PCB-mounted antenna, and uFL connector for external antenna. Output power is adjustable up to +10 dBm and data rate is adjustable up to 4Mbps to maximize RF performance.

Powered by multiple processors, AN54H20 modules provide the IoT field with access to a whole set of improved features, including 2MB flash memory/1MB RAM and bigger processing power for more complicated computations.  It also enhances protection against security threats, providing developers with protection while building technologically advanced IoT applications.

Hardware wise, AN54H20 inherits nRF54H20’s set of versatile, advanced, and low-power peripherals alongside DMA support, including high-speed USB, CAN-FD controller, 14-bit ADC, 2 x I3C and plenty more.  What’s more revolutionary is that AN54H20 brings power efficiency to a whole new level through accurately controlling currency consumptions under various modes, allowing smaller batteries to be implemented in the applications while increasing its life expectancy.

“We see the AN54H20 series as a potential market changer.  The compact size gives developers a seamless switch from the previous generation modules to AN54H20, and the remarkable power efficiency and characteristics AN54H20 brings will offer a magnificent effect to the inescapable hot trend of IoT and other various industries.” – Lyon Liu, President of Raytac Corporation.

Product link:


 – Compact size: 9.8 mm x 13.8 mm x 1.8 mm (0.37″ x 0.53″ x 0.07″)

 – Ceramic chip, PCB, and u.FL connector variations available

 – 64 GPIOs

 – Dual Arm Cortex-M33 processors

 – Dual RISC-V co-processors

 – Flash memory: 2 MB and RAM: 1 MB

 – Max TX power: +10dBm

 – Max data rate: 4Mbps

 – Enhanced security features

 – Outstanding power efficiency

 – Advanced and expanded peripherals available 

– Highly flexible multiprotocol, ideal for Bluetooth Low Energy, LE Audio(Auracast), Bluetooth mesh, Thread, ANT+, Zigbee, and Matter applications

 – Pre-certified with multiple global regulations & Bluetooth qualification

 – RoHS-/REACH-compliant

Samples of AN54H20 will be available in Q3 2024, please subscribe to Raytac’s WordPress blog:

For more upcoming information.

Welcome to send an inquiry to: for further discussions.

Edited by Sales Manager: Mr. Tony Yin

Raytac Corporation 勁達國際電子股份有限公司  A company of Abietec
Bluetooth & WiFi module maker based on Nordic nRF54, nRF53, nRF52, nRF7002 solution
BT5.4 &BT5.3 & BT5.2 & BT5.1 Qualified, FCC/IC/CE/Telec/KC/RCM/SRRC/NCC Pre-Certified.

Bluetooth Solution: nRF54, nRF5340, nRF52840, nRF52833, nRF52832, nRF52820, nRF52811, nRF52810, nRF52805, nRF51822

WiFi Solution: nRF7002
Tel: +886.2.3234.0208

nRF52810 SoftDevice S112 Released

nRF52810 is an ultra-low power 2.4 GHz wireless system on chip (SoC) integrating the an ARM® Cortex®-M4 CPU with 24K RAM and 192K flash memory, supports BT5.0 (BLE),  , the ANT™ protocol, and a range of proprietary 2.4 GHz protocols.
Differ from nRF52832 solution which developed based on S132 Softdevice, Nordic has released S112 for nRF52810 in order to increase the flexibility of application code in limited flash memory size.
Raytac strongly suggest all customer to download the product specification and Softdevice in below link for further nRF52810 development.
Raytac, meanwhile, has released MDBT42Q series module correspondent to nRF52810 solution. MDBT42Q series module is a pin to pin design for both nRF52832 and nRF52810 solution and equipped 2 kinds of antenna, Chip antenna and PCB antenna.
nRF52810 solution module MDBT42Q chip antenna P/N.: MDBT42Q-192K
nRF52810 solution module MDBT42Q PCB antenna P/N.: MDBT42Q-P192K
nRF52810 module MDBT42Q Specification
  nRF52810 Module MDBT42Q-P.jpg               nRF52810 Module MDBT42Q.jpg
Raytac Corporation
A BT4.1 & BT4.2 & BT5 module maker based on Nordic nRF51 & nRF52 solution 
(nRF51822 & nRF51422 & nRF52832 & nR52810 & nRF52840)            Tel: +886.2.3234.0208

Raytac’s nRF51 Module (MDBT40/MDBT40-P) Bluetooth QDID information

Raytac Corporation

A BT4.1 & BT4.2 module maker based on Nordic nRF51 & nRF52 solution 

(nRF51822 & nRF51422 & nRF52832 & nRF51802)

Tel: +886.2.3234.0208

Bluetooth products must purchase DID and submit the testing evidence issued by BQE to completed the SIG registration and activate the DID

Only products’s DID been activated then allowed to use Bluetooth logo.

Developer’s who built the products based on Raytac module is allow to relable Raytac’s DID to easy the process.

Simply purchase their own DID from SIG, and relabel Raytac’s DID then can completethe Bluetooth activation process.

Raytac’s MDBT40/MDBT40-P QDID/DID is applied by subsidiary of Ginstar Corporation.

The QDID is 60912 / D023258

We welcome all Raytac’s customers to relabel the QDID as long as product built by MDBT40/MDBT40-P. As such, the Bluetooth process becomes simple and cost effective.

Nordic nRF5x MDK v8.9.0 released

Raytac Corporation
A BT4.1 & BT4.2 module maker based on Nordic nRF51 & nRF52 solution 
(nRF51822 & nRF51422 & nRF52832 & nRF51802)
Tel: +886.2.3234.0208
Nordic has released the nRF5x MDK v8.9.0 in 20 Sep., 2016
 Software Update:  
The nRF5x MDK v8.9.0 has been released. 
  • Updated compiler abstraction header files with __ALIGN macro for IAR compiler and __PACKED macro.
  • Added Baud56000 to UART enumerated values in nrf51_bitfields and nrf52_bitfields.
  • Added missing macro transformations in nrf51_to_nrf52.h compatibility header file.
  • Added missing macros for FPU and SYSTICK in nrf52832_peripheral.h header file.
  • Updated RAM size in nRF52832 device in keil4 device database. No longer reflecting EngA size but EngB and FP1.
  • Renamed some files for IAR EW IDE.
  • Added workaround for Errata 108 into system_nrf52.c.
Please choose your download below:

藍牙 4.0 模組經銷夥伴~立寰科技

勁達國際電子(Raytac Corporation)
藍牙4.0/藍牙4.1/藍牙4.2模組(藍牙模塊) 製造供應商 (Nordic nRF51 /nRF52方案)
Nordic nRF51822 / nRF51422/nRF52832/NRF51802
Tel: 02-3234-0208    email:

‪#‎Raytac‬ is glad to announce acquiring ‪#‎ConcordTechnology‬ in Great China Zone distributor network.
為能提供大中華區客戶更便捷的服務與流通性 ‪#‎勁達國際電子有限公司‬ 歡迎 ‪#‎立寰科技股份有限公司‬ 加入大中華區 ‪#‎BT4‬.0 ‪#‎藍牙模組‬ 的經銷夥伴
PM: Mr. Morris Shyu
Mobile: 0963-359-360