nRF52 BLE Module (MDBT42 series) BQB Test & BT4.2 Certification Granted


We are pleased to release that Raytac’s MDBT42 series module (including MDBT42Q / MDBT42 / MDBT42V) based on Nordic nRF52 series solution has completed the BQB testing and BT4.2 certificated granted.

Raytac’s nRF51 Module (MDBT40/MDBT40-P) Bluetooth QDID information

Raytac Corporation

A BT4.1 & BT4.2 module maker based on Nordic nRF51 & nRF52 solution 

(nRF51822 & nRF51422 & nRF52832 & nRF51802)

Tel: +886.2.3234.0208

Bluetooth products must purchase DID and submit the testing evidence issued by BQE to completed the SIG registration and activate the DID

Only products’s DID been activated then allowed to use Bluetooth logo.

Developer’s who built the products based on Raytac module is allow to relable Raytac’s DID to easy the process.

Simply purchase their own DID from SIG, and relabel Raytac’s DID then can completethe Bluetooth activation process.

Raytac’s MDBT40/MDBT40-P QDID/DID is applied by subsidiary of Ginstar Corporation.

The QDID is 60912 / D023258

We welcome all Raytac’s customers to relabel the QDID as long as product built by MDBT40/MDBT40-P. As such, the Bluetooth process becomes simple and cost effective.

Kind Reminding~Do you get DID (Declaration ID) for your products?

Raytac Corporation
A BT4.1 & BT4.2 module maker based on Nordic nRF51 & nRF52 solution 
(nRF51822 & nRF51422 & nRF52832 & nRF51802)
Tel: +886.2.3234.0208                email:
Recently, many of our customers got in trouble in Bluetooth Trade Mark & Brand issues. The discrepancy of having the products legally Bluetooth Mark listed or lack of the Bluetooth Mark on products may result in lawsuit or bar of trading in the board between countries or markets due to the violation of Trade Mark & Brand Policy by SIG (the Bluetooth Organization)
Bluetooth Smart Logo
According to the regulation activated in 2014/2/1, every brand needs to have unique Declaration ID (known as DID) for every individual product. Product is no longer can be free EPL (End Product Listing) listed under other company’s QDID. Moreover, SIG recently launched the website for easy reporting the violation makes the report become a fashion.
螢幕快照 2015-12-07 下午3.14.52
Cost to purchased Declaration ID is heavy. (US$8,000 for Adapter Member and US$4,000 for Associate Member)
BQB testing cost, says around US$7,000, makes this even much harder and let most customers curb the decision to Bluetooth logo compliance.
For customer who is making products built by Raytac Module, please do contact us for more detail to proceed the application.
Raytac’s module not only have most regional RF certificates granted by module policy, but also conduct the policy to re-label our Bluetooth certified module under the name of customer. That is, we will transfer our module under our customer’s brand, and we are the only vendor in the market willing to do so.
The brilliant point is that the Bluetooth re-label procedure comes with 9 profiles included. This will help customers much easier to have the future BT products roadmap without extra compliance costs.
Still feel anxiety for Bluetooth logo issue?
Please do not be hesitated to contact with us for more detail~
Tel: +886.2.3234.0208