Raytac made up a comparison chart for recent main stream BLE solution to provide all developers a quick reference!

Whenever the project kick off, the first task always be “Which solution?”
This decision making always urged  from top down to  PM, R&D or developers to take full responsibility.
Even worse is…..if wrong solution been selected, not only be scolded like that simple, but may waste time and cost to start over the development from beginning again.
Thus, how to pick up a correct solution at first place become the most critical topic for all IoT products.
At most cases, developers may find out or decide the solution just by surfing from google, checking with distributor, learning from precedent, or simply asking for friends.
However, to determine a product future (or even risk personal carrier) just by these simple and traditional resources are not rational and could be fatal.
The chart Raytac brought up to provide a quick short cut to easy realize what is the superior specification for each solution (Remarked in Red Words).
There is no surprised, Nordic now is still holding the leading of the BLE stream.
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Raytac Corporation
A BT4.1 & BT4.2 & BT5 module maker based on Nordic nRF51 & nRF52 solution 
(nRF51822 & nRF51422 & nRF52832 & nRF51802 & nRF52840)
www.raytac.com            Tel: +886.2.3234.0208
email: service@raytac.com

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