Wi-Fi Alliance (WFA) – Certification program –FlexTrack & Derivative

Wi-Fi Alliance (WFA) – Certification program —Flex Track & Derivative
(The least effort option for Wi-Fi certification)

Source: https://www.wi-fi.org/certification

After reading through the article of WFA (Wi-Fi Alliance) QuickTrack program, you may try to seek for a seamless option that least effort made for a Wi-Fi certificate.

Raytac Corp. has took this Wi-Fi program topic into consideration already!

Raytac Corp. is working on the FlexTrack package as a source product so that end product developer can apply a Derivative program to grant a WFA(Wi-Fi Alliance) certificate by leveraging Raytac Corp. WFA source productNRF5340 & NRF7002 IC combo solution (MDBT53 & AN7002 Module)

Let Raytac Corp. do the work ahead of your request, the FlexTrack program is provided with a fix option, the necessary Wi-Fi compliance & conformance have been done by Raytac Corporation, Raytac Corp. will get a WFA Certificate that you (end product developer) can simply leverage it and apply Derivative program seamlessly for getting your own Wi-Fi certificate ID as long as you’re the member of Wi-Fi alliance.

  • What benefits you (end product developer) by sticking to Raytac Corp. FlexTrack (Source product) program?

Source Product: NRF5340 & NRF7002 IC combo solution (MDBT53 & AN7002 Module)

  1. No-Testing required: Raytac Corp. has granted the Wi-Fi certificate ID using source product (MDBT53 & AN7002 Module) , you simply leverage Raytac Corp. Wi-Fi certified ID and apply the solution to your end product when you’re working on the certification process ; No-testing is required.

  2. Faster time-to-market end device (WiFi) : By using Raytac Corp. available WFA source product , you can get through the certification process easily without being in the process of a series of tests as long as you’re the member of Wi-Fi alliance. This helps your WiFi end device get launched at the earliest.

  3. Seamless Connectivity & Least resource required : Without involving in a series of complicate Wi-Fi compliance and conformance test, it delivers the seamless connectivity and the least effort would be took for end product developer to get Wi-Fi certificate ID.

  4. Waive cost on Wi-Fi conformance test: it significantly decreases the cost for your project budget without getting through a series of Wi-Fi compliance & conformance tests.

If you stick to Raytac Corp. combo solution (source product )- MDBT53 & AN7002 Module, given the WiFi components are pre-certified in the FlexTrack solution, you (end product developer) will be able to use the minimal resource and least effort to get Wi-Fi certificate ID for your WiFi end device.

  • Which membership level shall be applied in Wi-Fi alliance for being Derivative?

If you agree with Raytac Corp. FlexTrack program and are confident in the Raytac Corp. combo solution(source product )- MDBT53 & AN7002 Module , Wi-Fi Implementer membership would extend this benefit for you. Being the Implementer membership and participate in the Derivative program, this is the perfect option for the budget sensitive company.

Source: https://www.wi-fi.org/membership


Raytac Corp. is about to launch WiFi module AN7002(Powered up by Nordic’s nRF7002 WiFi IC) in 2024 ;

Keep your attention to the blog posts for more upcoming WiFi-related content.

Don’t forget to visit our webiste: http://www.raytac.com for more Wi-Fi related news /release notices.

Edited by Sales Manager: Jocelyn Tsai

Raytac Corporation 勁達國際電子股份有限公司  A company of Abietec
Bluetooth & WiFi module maker based on Nordic nRF54, nRF53, nRF52, nRF7002(WiFi) solution
BT5.4 &BT5.3 & BT5.2 & BT5.1 Qualified, FCC/IC/CE/Telec/KC/RCM/SRRC/NCC Pre-Certified. Bluetooth Solution: nRF54, nRF5340, nRF52840, nRF52833, nRF52832, nRF52820, nRF52811, nRF52810, nRF52805, nRF51822 WiFi Solution: nRF7002
Tel: +886.2.3234.020